My friends have motivated me to start my own family blog. I'm hoping this will be a fun way to keep in touch with family and friends. Make sure you visit and comment often.
We stopped by the Robinson household today to make sure Grandma was taking good care of Grandpa after his surgery to replace the artery in his leg. Dallas and Ella gave the incision a good look to make sure he was healing properly. The verdict from Drs. Hardman was a thumbs up, but decided that more cartoons needed to be watched to make certain!
Dallas and Ella and I spent their Christmas break from school together. We filled our time with fun stuff like making pizza, having friends over for play dates, playing dress up and having smiling contests with our cousin Seanna. Here are a few snapshots of our hiatus together.
The Reindeer Gang (Emily, Ella, Andrew & Dallas)
Making pizza is hard work, but boy is it worth it!And the winner of the first annual smiling contest is...Seanna! Yeah!